Dr. River’s Song

Part2 – Part3 -Part4 – Part5

His body swapping headphones were such a magnificent invention, Dr. Rivers rushed to experiment with the device. Blinded by the potential of a mind transfer, the engineer failed to consider certain levels of practicality in the design.

Rivers switched bodies with his assistant, and pursued desires which had remained hidden in his psyche since his teenage years. The headphones only worked when switched on to the proper frequency, and with a pair placed on each participant. For as long as the headphones remained on and while both parties were wearing them, they could inhabit each other’s bodies. The issue came from the need to keep the headphones on. The cups weren’t especially comfortable, and began to grow aggravating quickly. It was impossible to non-nonchalantly blend into crowds, due in part to the glowing heaps of metal attached to the head. And with minimal fastening, any intense physical movement would launch the device from the wearers head. Only one pair had to be removed in order to reverse the effect, and led to an awkward situation for the doctor, which could lead to a lawsuit and potentially jail time if he didn’t correct the issues as soon as possible.

About divinebandit

I'm a passionate fan of anime and manga, and a lover of the bodyswap trope. I figured I'd smoosh the two into one with some anime-based TG captions.
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1 Response to Dr. River’s Song

  1. crazyone says:

    Nice Doctor Who reference!

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